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The purpose of the Santa Clara Valley Chapter (SCVC) is to educate and promote technique, color, and design in needlework, and to encourage interest in this creative work.

Why I joined?  


I initially joined so I could have someone to talk to about stitching when my stitching friend moved away. Then I discovered a world of techniques besides cross stitch, some of which I really took a liking to, like stumpwork. The educational opportunities are great.  Jo V.

Sharing information and appreciation of our craft/art with others. Michael J.

I wanted to find stitching friends who were as serious about stitching as I am, to improve my skills, find knowledgeable instruction, and find retail resources.  Margaret McL.

Show and Tell time which gives me a deadline and an opportunity to get feedback, including positive reinforcement and tips/ideas on how to work through a problem. I’ve learned a lot from others.  Claudia D.

2025 Elected Directors

President - Claudia D
1st VP, programs - All
2nd VP, workshops - <open>
Secretary - Jo V
Treasurer - Roberta P
Membership - Caroline A
Newsletter - Patty H
Education - Margaret McL

Other Talents, Interests and Skills

Not everyone focuses their interests only on embroidery.  We have quilters, knitters and beaders in the group as well.

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