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Santa Clara Valley Chapter of the EGA
WIPs (Works In Progress)
Members are busy on many new projects. For completed projects, click here.
Boca Blossom (an EGA correspondence course), designed by Carolyn Currier, stitched by Roberta P
Cross stitch
Beautiful name plate, stitched by Wendy H.
Cross stitch
Mediteranean Sampler, by Avlea Folk Embroidery, stitched by Robin S. Beautiful monochromatic set of folk patterns.
Cross stitch
Santa, by Prairie Schooler designs, stitched by Wendy H. One just can't get enough of those Prairie Schooler santas.
Cross stitch
Liberty Bell, by Lois Winston for The Posy Collection. Charming rendition of the famous bell.
Various stitches
The Crown of St. Edward, designed by Gay Ann Rogers, stitched by Barbara M. Jewels are placed!! More to go but the difficult part is now done.
Honey Gnomes, designed by Love You More, stitch guide by Kay Lawless, stitched by Irene Bunner. We are so happy to have such a great needle shop in our area and the owner is willing to do a stitch guide for us. Thank you, Stitched-Up Needleworks (Morgan Hill, CA)!
Mystery in St. Tropez, designed by Gay Ann Rogers, stitched by Patty H. Several members have done this design as it gives the person lots of leeway in terms of the design in the corners. Designer provided just the basic center and block definitions, stitcher has to come up with their own fill-ins in the corners.
Surface Embroidery
Violets, designed and stitched by LaVerne P. that she then stitched and glued to notecard paper. She used Misty Fuse as the glue.
Girl on garden walkway, designed and stitched by Lois K.
Project Bag
A good example of a project bag, items visible through the plastic window.
Embroidery & Embellishments
Christmas Wreath Ornaments stitch snippets, designed by Mary Corbet, stitched by Roberta L. Notice the lapstand that is being used.
Beading, Needlepoint
The Crown of St. Edwards designed by Gay Ann Rogers, stitched by Barbara M. Adding the jewels to the crown is next!
Cross stitch
Getting ready for a new project.
2022 SAL, designed by Clare Ardali. A once-a-week project that entailed stitching a different block every week. Auditioning different cloth fabrics for framing ideas. Black background pattern selected by Robert R, not part of initial pattern.
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